Known Bugs List XFRX 16.1.3/16.1.2 - History
Known Bugs List XFRX 16.1.3/16.1.2 - History
XFRX version | Part | User | Date | Text | Fixed in version |
15.0 | NATIVE_FXLSX, NATIVE_PFXLSX | 2016-09-14 | Output ignore parameters VERTICAL_ADJUSTMENT and HORIZONTAL_ADJUSTMENT. | 16.1.3 | |
12.0 | FODS, PFODS | 2016-09-14 | Output ignore parameters VERTICAL_ADJUSTMENT and HORIZONTAL_ADJUSTMENT. | 16.1.3 | |
<=16.1.2 | NATIVE_DOCX | 2016-09-13 | Text of label has greather witdh, in output file, than in report. | 16.1.3 | |
<=16.1.2 | ODT | 2016-09-13 | Text of label has greather witdh, in output file, than in report. | 16.1.3 | |
<=16.1.2 | RTF | 2016-09-13 | Text of label has greather witdh, in output file, than in report. | 16.1.3 | |
<=16.1.2 | DOC | Hynek Mráz | 2016-09-13 | Text of label has greather witdh, in output file, than in report. | 16.1.3 |
<=16.1.2 | DOC + MS Word 2003 | 2016-09-13 | Images, restangles and lines can has bad left position. | 16.1.3 | |
16.1.2 | XFRX#CORE | 2016-09-12 | Only XFRX preview shows images. A error log contain message "12,00 in xfrx_getwmfsize @ 3957,00 Variable 'LCFILE' is not found". | 16.1.3 | |
<=16.1.2 | XFRX#LISTENER + _reportlistener.vcx from SP 1 | Hynek Mráz | 2016-09-08 | If xfrx is Successor or successor property sets on XFRX object than REPORT command failed. The bug is in fxlistener::getNoRenderGFXObject(). XFRX has only workarround. | 16.1.3 |
16.0.0 | XFRX#LISTENER+ VFP 9.0 | 2016-09-08 | Error message "Alias 'THISS' is not found." in log file. | 16.1.3 | |
16.1.1 | XFRX_CopyToODS | Petr Mach | 2016-09-07 | Return value is -201 data source conatins number. "Debug output" contains message: #OOWRITER: Error 1734.000000 addtextincell 38313.000000 Property CNUMBERCLASS is not found. | 16.1.3 |
<16.2.0 | XFRX#PREVIEW, Find dialog | Hynek Mráz | 2016-09-07 | XFRX preview change current area. | 16.1.3 |
<16.2.0 | XFRX#PREVIEW, Export dialog | Hynek Mráz | 2016-09-07 | XFRX preview change current area. | 16.1.3 |
<16.2.0 | XFRX#PREVIEW, Export dialog | Hynek Mráz | 2016-09-06 | It's no possibly select output type in czech or slovak localization. | 16.1.3 |
15.6 | Hynek Mráz | 2016-09-06 | Print do not respect paper orientation for custom paper size. You can dowload fixed xfrxlib.fll. | 16.1.3 | |
16.1.0 | RTF | 2016-09-01 | XFRX displays a dialog box before overwriting an existing file SET("SAFETY")="ON". | 16.1.2 | |
6.5 | DOC | 2016-08-31 | XFRX change value of property ConfirmConversions, but don't set original value. | 16.1.2 | |
9.8 | FDOC | 2016-08-31 | XFRX change value of property ConfirmConversions, but don't set original value. | 16.1.2 | |
16.1.0 | XLS, XLSPLAIN | Peter Langenbach | 2016-08-31 | If I can change its data, but when I use the closer button, Excel does not ask if it should save the changes. Excel just closes the file and all changes are lost. | 16.1.2 |
16.1.0 | XFRX#INIT + General field | Eric de Bruin | 2016-08-24 | Documents puts in Win8.x has worse preview's image in output file. | 16.1.2 |
16.1.0 | ODT,NATIVE_DOCX + DEMO | 6K spol. s r.o. | 2016-08-30 | Error message Missing expression. | 16.1.2 |
16.1.0 | XFRX#INIT | 6K spol. s r.o. | 2016-08-30 | Missing method getDocName(). | 16.1.2 |
<=16.1.1 | XFRX#LISTENER | Doug Hennig | 2016-08-23 | xfrxlistener::Render() ignore return value from DODEFAULT(). | 16.1.2 |
<=16.1.1 | DOCX,DOC2PDF | Rick Schummer | 2016-08-14 | Output file contains fused first and second page, other pages are moved forward. | 16.1.2 |
<=16.1.1 | XFRX#INIT | Rick Schummer | 2016-08-14 | Many errors in log file at reusing XFRX#INIT object. | 16.1.2 |
16.1.0 | XFF#WRITER | 2016-09-01 | Calls method drawPicture() cause error message 'Variable "lcFile" is not found.' | 16.1.2 | |
16.1.0 | XFF#WRITER | Rick Schummer | 2016-08-15 | Error 2032,00 fillbuffer 28944,00 Ambiguous date/datetime constant. Use the format: {^yyyy-mm-dd[,][hh[:mm[:ss]] [a|p]]} | 16.1.2 |
16.1.0 | XFRX#LISTENER | Peter Langenbach | 2016-08-04 | If report master record don't contains keyword PAPERSIZE, then XFRX cause error "9 – Data type mismatch." | 16.1.2 |