Known Bugs List XFRX 18.3.0 - History

Known Bugs List XFRX 18.3.0 - History

XFRX versionPartDateTextFixed
<18.3.0 XFRX#PREVIEW, Print, Images 2019-09-04Missing last word or line. 18.3.0
<18.3.0XFRX#LISTENER  2019-09-05XFRX Listener process <TF> data (for each textbox) for first value only if


<18.3.0 XFRX#LISTENER 2019-09-04XFRX listener ignore textbox with <TF> in page footer band. 18.3.0
<18.3.0XFRX#PREVIEW2019-08-28XFRX Preview don't show hyperlink cursor, if text is more line and first line has lengt zero chars.18.3.0
<18.3.0TEXT#FORMAT 2019-06-29Ignore leading space on begin of row for left alignment and multi line text.18.3.0
18.2.0FODT 2019-06-30Missing space between paragraphs.18.3.0
18.2.0HTML2019-07-01HTML output ignore <FJ> keyword.18.3.0
<18.3.0 FODT, FRT, FDOC, NATIVE_FDOCX  + <TF>2019-07-02Better support for full justify alignment.18.3.0
<18.3.0  TEXT#FORMAT2019-07-03XFRX ignore #UR TEXTTOIMAGE at using <FJ>.18.3.0
 18.2.0XFRX#CORE 2019-07-03Bug in STREXTRACT() for VFP 5,6,
 18.2.0ODS2019-07-04Text is splitted to two lines if source is label instead textbox.18.3.0
 17.2.0XLS, XLSPLAIN 2019-07-04Long text are not shortened for textbox without "Stretch with overflow" and #UR POSITIONABSOLUTE. 18.3.0
<18.3.0FODS, PFODS 2019-07-04Long text are not shortened for textbox without "Stretch with overflow" and #UR POSITIONABSOLUTE. 18.3.0
<18.3.0XFRX#PREVIEW, Print, Images2019-07-07XFRX can ignore <FJ> at transformation from XFF/XML.18.3.0
18.2.1Cell layouts 2019-07-08Output file is unreadable or don't contains data for second page. 18.3.0
<18.3.0 Print 2019-07-08Better support for papersize (index) greather then 256. 18.3.0
<18.3.0ODT, ODS 2019-07-12Some text from Text format engine is splitted to two lines. 18.3.0
<18.3.0XFRX#CORE 2019-07-15Some characters disappear at dividing long text to lines.18.3.0
<18.3.0XFRX#CORE 2019-07-26Ellipsis on begin text if Trim Mode  set to "Filespec: Show inner path as ellipsis". 18.3.0
<18.3.0XFRX#CORE 2019-07-26Last char from text is render on next line. 18.3.0