Known Bugs List XFRX 17.0.0 - 17.0.4 - History
Known Bugs List XFRX 17.0.0 - 17.0.4 - History
XFRX version | Part | User | Date | Text | Fixed in version |
16.1 | alto.sk | 2017-03-28 | Printer can show error "Bad page size". | 17.0.3 | |
17.0 | XFRX#CORE | Uwe Bader | 2017-03-16 | Output file contains bad images if source is image from Corel inserted to general field. | 17.0.2 |
16.1 | XFRX#LISTENER | Gene Steinbacher | 2017-03-08 | Second calling REPORT FORM OBJECT loXFRX cause error "The current object does not inherit from class reportlistener." if first report contains image. Workarround: | 17.0.2 |
17.0 | XFRX#INIT + VFP 5/6/7/8 | 6K.cz | 2017-03-07 | XFRX evaluated absolute position for horizontal lines which are in band. | 17.0.2 |
16.1 | XFRX#LISTENER | Herschel Systems Ltd | 2017-02-27 | Bad top position for objects in page footer, if "print area" is "printable page" and VFP default printer is virtual printer. Workarround is setting property lAlwaysWholePage to .T. of report listener. | 17.0.2 |
15.6 | PDF+GIF89a with transaprent color | 6K.cz | 2017-03-01 | XFRX evaluate bad transparent color.You can download fixed version: xfrxlib-132-2017-03-01.zip | 17.0.2 |
17.0 | XFRX | Eddy Marius | 2017-02-27 | Error messages at compilation EXE/APP: Unknown TAARRAY - Undefined Unknown IF - Undefined | 17.0.2 |
16.1 | XFRX#INIT | Peter Langenbach, | 2017-02-07 | Empty general field cuase cx00000005 under VFP 6.0 | 17.0.2 |
16.1.4 | NATIVE_FDOCX | Eric de Bruin | 2017-02-04 | Page header is bigger than in report definition | 17.0 |
12.3 | XPS | 2017-01-22 | Memory leak. | 17.0 | |
12.3 | XPS | Julius Mössinger | 2017-01-20 | Unreadable file if source contains chinese/arabic/etc. characters. | 17.0 |
16.1.0 | XFRX#INIT | 2017-01-27 | WITH-RETURN-ENDWITH bug, can cause cx00000005. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | Doug Hennig | 2017-01-24 | Text has ellipsis for trim mode "Trim to nearest character, append ellipsis" always. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | Comsys | 2017-01-24 | Randomize text in second line for texbox with height greather than one line if text had only one line. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | NATIVE_FXLSX, NATIVE_PFXLSX | 2017-01-22 | If report contains external hyperlinks and no images, ten output file is unreadable. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | Tomáš Halász | 2017-01-17 | Texts/labels with right aligment has bad left position. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | DOC | KT Cargo | 2017-01-05 | Output document contaín "?" character for chinese code page. | 17.0 |
<=16.1.4 | XFRX_CopyToXLSX | J. Chris Anderson | 2016-12-14 | OO/LO Calc can't open output file, but MS Excel yes. | 17.0 |
15.7 | NATIVE_FXLSX, NATIVE_PFXLSX, FODS, PFODS | Doug Hennig | 2016-12-09 | Pagebreak doesn't work if page end is on empty line. | 17.0 |
15.7 | XLS, XLSPLAIN, NATIVE_FXLSX, NATIVE_PFXLSX, ODS, FODS, PFODS | 2016-12-09 | Pagebreak doesn't work if report contains vertical line or rectangle from page header to page footer. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | XFRX#LISTENER/XFRX#INIT with XFF/XML transform + XLSPLAIN, NATIVE_PFXLSX, PFODS | Doug Hennig, SystemaSoft | Output file contain only first page. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | NATIVE_FXLSX | Doug Hennig | 2016-11-21 | Image has less height than image's height in report if report has more than one page. | 17.0 |
16.1.0 | XFRX_COPYTOODS | 2016-12-18 | Messagebox with message "ZAP %file%" for SET SAFATEY ON. | 17.0 | |
16.1.0 | FODS,PFODS + VFP 5,6 | 2016-12-18 | Error message "Property is not found." | 17.0 | |
16.1.4 | XLS, XLSPLAIN, NATIVE_FXLSX, NATIVE_PFXLSX, FODS, PFODS + VFP 5,6 | 2016-12-18 | Error message "Function argument value, type, or count is invalid." | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | ODS,FODS, PFODS + VFP 5,6,7,8 | 2016-12-13 | Format expression ignore space. | 17.0 | |
16.0.0 | XFRX#LISTENER | Frank Dierickx | 2016-12-13 | Error message "Operator/operand type mismatch." at calling SetParams() method without parameters. | 17.0 |
<=16.1.4 | GDI+ Wordwrap | 2016-12-07 | Potencialy Cx00000005 bug. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | GDI+ Wordwrap, GDI Wordwrap | 2016-12-07 | Random missing word for right alignment. | 17.0 | |
15.1 | NATIVE_FXLSX, NATIVE_PFXLSX | 2016-12-03 | Cell can bad background color. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | XPS | 2016-12-03 | Shape has bad curves for curvature values between 1 and 98. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | 2016-12-03 | Shape has bad curves for curvature values between 1 and 98. | 17.0 | ||
<=16.1.4 | PRINT,XFRX PREVIEW,Images | 2016-12-03 | Shape has bad curves for curvature values between 1 and 98. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | FRTF | 2016-12-03 | Shape has bad curves for curvature values between 51 and 98 (<=xfrx 16.0.x) or for values between 1 and 98 (<=xfrx 16.1.x). | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | RTF | 2016-12-03 | Shape has bad curves for curvature values between 51 and 98. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | DOC | 2016-12-03 | If textbox has black fore color, then text can has white color in output file. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | HTML | David Younger | 2016-11-21 | Rectangle can has bad curves for curvature value between 10 and 45. | 17.0 |
16.1.X | 2016-11-29 | PDF output ignore "Clip contents" for bigger images. | 17.0 | ||
<=16.1.4 | José Guerra | 2016-11-12 | PDF output doesn't support 16 bpp bmp file. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | XFRX#INIT | 2016-08-23 | If column overflow to new column and group has set "Reprint group header on each page", then xfrx do not render group header. | 17.0 | |
7.0 | XFRX#INIT+ FDOC,FRTF,FODT,NATIVE_FDOCX | 2016-08-07 | If report has more columns then 1 and column print order is "Top to Bottom", than output file contains only one column. Workarround, use transformation from XFF or XML. | 17.0 | |
7.0 | XFRX#INIT+ XLS/XLSPLAIN/ FODS/PFODS/ NATIVE_FXLSX/NATIVE_PFXLSX | 2016-08-07 | If report has more columns then 1, than output file contains only one column. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | XFRX#INIT | 2016-08-02 | Summary band has bad top position if report is more columns and bottom position of last column is less then bottom position of first column. | 17.0 | |
<=16.1.4 | XFRX#LISTENER | Andrea Agresti | 2016-11-08 | A vertical lines that start in a group and they finish in a group are render separately for each band. | 17.0 |