Known Bugs List XFRX 16.1.4 - History

Known Bugs List XFRX 16.1.4 - History

XFRX versionPartUserDate     TextFixed in version
<=16.1.3XFRX#PREVIEW David Younger2016-11-17XFRX preview read images from folder with xfrxlib.vcx. It's no possibly move images to another folder. 16.1.4 
16.1.0 PDF  2016-11-05Horizontal line are has top position on left side. 16.1.4
<=16.1.3XFRX#INIT  2016-10-27XFRX don't restore current  work area after proccessing  report with data environment.16.1.4
Advanced Grower Solutions 2016-10-27

The preview looks good but any field values get exported as false.

The workarround is  CallEvaluateContents=2:

<=16.1.4XFRX#INIT Com-Sys Software 2016-10-27If textbox source has field1;field2 and field1 has empty value, then output contain empty first row. 16.1.4
<=16.1.4DEMO.scx, DEMO9.scx Ed Lennon 2016-10-26

Bugs with SET PATH TO in Load() method.
Bugs in PDF Library example.  
Bugs in Drill Down report example.  

<=16.1.4 XFRX_CopyToXLSXCisa informatiqu2016-10-26Some characters (ASCII<=31) cause the XLSX file generated with XFRX_CopyToXLSX to be unreadable. 16.1.4
<=16.1.4 PDFPeter Langenbach2016-10-18XFRX generate bad position for TABs in text. Default TAB size in VFP is four  spaces.16.1.4
<=16.1.4XFRX#INIT Gary Barker2016-10-19XFRX#INIT doesn't   support DIB and BITMAP in OLE presentation record in general field.16.1.4
<=16.1.4 (XFRX#INIT + transform from XFF/XML or XFRX#LISTENER) + XLS/XLSPLAIN,               FODS,PFODS,               NATIVE_FXLSX, NATIVE_FXLSX,
Sviluppo SystemaSoft If report containt textbox, label or vertical line in page header/report title, which bottom position is outsize band than output file is not correctly. 16.1.4
16.1.0PDF 6K spol. s r.o.2016-10-07Error message in log "###ERROR: 9 in makestring2 16441,000000 Data type mismatch" if label or textbox has set "Repeat Value" to "No".16.1.4
<=16.1.4 XFRX Core + XLS, XLSPLAIN, NATIVE_FXLSX, NATIVE_PFXLSXDoug Hennig 2016-09-29Currency code has bad position for Numbers with currency. e.g. for United States environment.16.1.4
16.1.0 PDF + VFP 5/6/7 6K spol. s r.o.  2016-09-19

Output file is unreadable if method SetPassword() calls.
Log file contains errors:
###ERROR:      1230,000000 in computekeys @      13973,000000
         Too many arguments.
###ERROR:      1230,000000 in encryptcontent @      13987,000000
         Too many arguments.
###ERROR:      1230,000000 in encryptfile @      13996,000000
          Too many arguments.

16.1.0 PDF Zdeněk Krejčí2016-09-17Text not is splitted  to more lines for textbox with height greather than one line and unchecked "Stretch with overflow".16.1.4