Known Bugs List XFRX 16.1.0 - History
XFRX version | Part | User | Date | Text | Fixed in version |
<=16.0 | XFRX_CopyToXLSX | Kai | 2016-06-30 | If SET("MARK") is string of zero length, then MS Excel do not show date/datetime values correctly. | 16.1 16.0.2 |
<=16.0 | RTF, FRTF | 2016-06-12 | Outputs do't shows wmf pictures from OpenOffice/LibreOffice. | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | XPS | 2016-06-04 | Output file doesn't show page contains images with extension jpeg or tiff. | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | XFRX#INIT | 2016-05-21 | XFRX#INIT doesn't support "Standard deviation" and "Standard variance" calculation type. | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | RTF, FRTF | 2016-05-11 | If report contains many pictures, then generating is slow. | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | XFRX#LISTENER | 2016-05-11 | XFRX#LISTENER doesn't support ListenerRef.NoRenderWhen. | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | XFRX#LISTENER | Paul Newton | 2016-05-09 | Export to some outputs are very slow,
Report listener calls Render() event for each textbox with empty value. XFRX 16.1 ommited all textbox with empty value. | 16.1 |
<=16.0 | XFRX#LISTENER+ FDOC, FRTF, FODT, NATIVE_FDOCX, FODS | 2016-05-08 | Text ,with dynamic style in report definition , has bad style - by the first text - in output file . | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | FDOC,FRTF,FODT, NATIVE_FDOCX | 2016-04-30 | Bad zOrder of all graphical objects. | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | FRTF,RTF,FODT | 2016-04-30 | Image has bad wrapping style. | 16.1 | |
16.0 | NATIVE_FXLSX, NATIVE_PFXLSX | 2016-04-26 | Strings are not shared. | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | DIAGNOSIS | 2016-04-19 | Error message 'Invalid path or filename' if file utilityReportListener.prg doesn't exists and SET("PROCEDURE") is not empty. | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | FODT,ODT | 2016-04-19 | Output file doesn't contain objects from "Page header"/"Title" band, if report contain "Page header"/"Title" band with zero height. | 16.1 | |
16.0 | NATIVE_FDOCX | 2016-04-19 | Unreadable output file if report contain "Title" band with zero height. | 16.1 | |
16.0 | Gerhard Beister | 2016-04-19 | Some text (label) has two lines instaed one line. | 16.1 16.0.2 | |
<=16.0 | FDOC | 2016-04-03 | Some text has bad text style. | 16.1 | |
16.0 | XFRX#LISTENER | ZZ Soft | 2016-03-03 | All outputs are move to right. | 16.1 16.0.2 |
Work arround: loSession=EVALUATE([XFRX("XFRX#LISTENER")]) oXFRXHandler=NEWOBJECT("_XFRX_handler") oXFRXHandler.oXFRX=losession BINDEVENT(loSession,"BeforeReport",oXFRXHandler,"BeforeReport",1) REPORT FORM (lcPath+"_reports\DPI") NOPAGEEJECT object loSession oXFRXHandler.oXFRX=.NULL. UNBINDEVENT(loSession) DEFINE CLASS _XFRX_handler AS Session oXFRX=.NULL. PROCEDURE beforereport REPLACE DATA1 WITH STRTRAN(DATA1,"LO=2100","LO=0") IN; (This.oXFRX.oxfDocument.cxffalias) ENDPROC ENDDEFINE | |||||
10.1 | 2016-03-19 | Error message "Operator/operand type mismatch" if orginal PDF file has not trailer record. | 16.1 | ||
14.3 | 2016-03-19 | Creation date is unreadable if file is encrypted. | 16.1 | ||
16.0 | XFRX Previewer | Petr Staněk | 2016-03-16 | Error message "Error in line 3402 of xfcont.isoverhyperlink (record 332): Command contains unrecognized phrase/keyword." at compiling xfrxlib.vcx under VFP 5/6/7. You can download fixed xfrxlib.vcx | 16.1 16.0.2 |
<=16.0 | PDF+VFP5/6 | Petr Staněk | 2016-03-17 | Error message in log file "File 'mainhwnd.prg' does not exist." in method createid. | 16.1 |
15.8 | PDF+VFP5/6 | Petr Staněk | 2016-03-17 | Error message in log file "Operator/operand type mismatch." in procedure _xf_screenhwnd. | 16.1 |
16.0 | Jürgen Wondzinski | 2016-03-09 | I can't print output file in duplex mode. | 16.1 | |
Work arround:loSession=EVALUATE([xfrx("XFRX#INIT")]) lnRetVal = loSession.SetParams("some.pdf",,,,,,"PDF") IF lnRetVal = 0 loSession.setOtherParams("VIEWERPREFERENCES","DUPLEX","") * Simplex, DuplexFlipShortEdge, DuplexFlipLongEdge ENDIF The default value for DUPLEX is empty string in next XFRX version and will be generate by PDF version (for PDF 1.7). | |||||
<=16.0 | 2016-03-13 | If document property contain character "č" and output file is encrypted, then PDF viewer show chinese character in document properties dialog. | 16.1 | ||
<=16.0 | Print, Export to images | Justin Hong | 2016-03-04 | Some text missing for codepage 932, 936, 949, 950. You can download fixed xfrxlib.fll. | 16.1 |
<=16.0 | FRTF, RTF | 2016-03-13 | Output file show mismatch characters if report contains font with more font charset. | 16.1 | |
15.3 | FRTF | 2016-03-13 | If textbox/label overlap image then text has back color black . | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | ODT,FODT, ODS,FODS,PFODS | 2016-03-11 | Doesn't support bold and italic for asian fonts. | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | ODT,FODT, ODS,FODS,PFODS | 2016-03-11 | Doesn't support for asian fonts with localized name. | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | NATIVE_DOCX, NATIVE_FDOCX | Kang Nianjun | 2016-03-10 | Output files use font "Gulim" for asian languages always. | 16.1 |
16.0 | XFRX core | Kang Nianjun | 2016-03-09 | Error at compiling xfrx.prg with codepage 932, 936, 949, 950. | 16.1 |
16.0 | ODT,FODT, ODS,FODS,PFODS | Martin Lämmle | 2016-03-09 | At createing file for OO Writer or OO Calc XFRX change collate to "MACHINE" | 16.1 |
16.0 | NATIVE_DOCX, NATIVE_FDOCX, NATIVE_FXLSX, NATIVE_PFXLSX | 2016-03-09 | At createing file for OO Writer or OO Calc XFRX change collate to "MACHINE" | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | FRTF | 2016-03-02 | Allows left tabulator less than 0.13cm. | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | FRTF | 2016-03-02 | If set "Print area" to "Whole page" in Page setup then texts and objects may not be visible. | 16.1 | |
15.6 | XFRX#DRAW | 2016-01-16 | Error message "Data type mismatch" | 16.1 16.0.2 | |
<=16.0 | XLS/XLSPLAIN | 2016-02-20 | Bad formula in #UR XLSF causes hangup XFRX. | 16.1 | |
12.3 | XPS | 2016-01-26 | XFRX ignore "Trim mode for characters expression" for textbox. | 16.1 | |
<=16.0 | XFRX#INIT + VFP 9.0 | 2016-01-26 | XFRX ignore "Trim mode for characters expression" for textbox. | 16.1 | |
9.6 | DOC | 2016-01-22 | If method SplitDocument() calls and parameter tcArchive is filled of method SetParams(), then output archive is empty. | 16.1 | |
6.5 | DOC | 2016-01-22 | For more reports split document is not functional. | 16.1 |