Known Bugs List XFRX 17.3.0 - History
Known Bugs List XFRX 17.3.0 - History
XFRX version | Part | User | Date | Text | Fixed in version |
17.2.1 | XFRX#INIT | Com-Sys Software | 2017-10-13 | XFRX don't ignore reports's record for DOS platform. USE "REPORT.FRX" EXCLUSIVE DELETE FOR PLATFORM='DOS' PACK USE | 17.3 |
17.2 | PDF, XPS | Com-Sys Software | 2017-10-05 | Textbox with opaque background has height's colors higher by 2px. | 17.3 |
17.2 | BS Software | 2017-10-02 | Long text has wrong line height, if textbox's height is greather then tesxt's height. | 17.3 | |
17.1 | XFRX#INIT | Villi Bernaroli | 2017-10-03 | XFRX don't move objects under stretched object if overlapped by 1px. Work arround: add space 1px between objects. | 17.3 |
<17.3 | XFRX#INIT | 2017-09-28 | If report contain rectangle from across a few report bands, then some rectangle not show (if band with bottom rectangle cause new page). | 17.3 | |
17.2 | XFRX#INIT | 2017-09-28 | If report contain rectangle from across a few report bands, then rectangle has bad top position. | 17.3 | |
17.2 | XFRX#LISTENER | Camil Ghircoias | 2017-08-24 | If report contain rectangle from across a few report bands, then output are mismatch. | 17.3 |
17.2 | RTF, FRTF | Alexandro Simioni | 2017-09-29 | Not possibly delete last character in textbox. | 17.3 |
17.0 | FODS, PFODS | 2017-09-23 | Unreadable output file if some number formated such as "scientific" and LibreOffice's version is 5.4.x. | 17.3 | |
<17.3 | All outputs | Alexandro Simioni | 2017-09-23 | If report has set "Left margin" great then zero, then all texts and objects shifted to left by value of "Left margin". | 17.3 |
17.0 | FDOC, NATIVE_FDOCX, FODT | Alexandro Simioni | 2017-09-23 | Randomly swapped text. | 17.3 |
17.2 | RTF | Alexandro Simioni | 2017-09-23 | Rectangle which has border's default color has border's white color in output file. | 17.3 |
<17.3 | XFRX#INIT | Fabio Vio | 2017-09-21 | XFRX don't move objects to down in page footer band if XFRX remove objects which set "Print when expression" to .F. and "Remove line if blank" is checked too. | 17.3 |
16.1 | Matthias Kahlert | 2017-09-20 | PDF output ignore all trim modes. | 17.3 | |
17.0 | All outputs with except Preview, Images and Print | Matthias Kahlert | 2017-09-20 | Outputs ignore trim mode 3 and 4. | 17.3 |
17.2 | RTF | Matthias Kahlert | 2017-09-20 | RTF output ignore all trim modes. | 17.3 |
<17 | XFRX#DRAW | 2017-09-13 | Method SavePicture() ignore parameter tnBpp. | 17.3 | |
17.1 | XFRX#LISTENER + TF | Charles Werner | 2017-09-12 | If textbox has back opaque and check "Use default background color", then formated text not is in output. Workaround: Uncheck "Use default background color". | 17.3 |
17.0 | FDOC, FRTF, FODT, NATIVE_FDOCX | Alexandro Simioni | 2017-09-15 | Output file contains only first column if report has check "Column order" to "Left to Right" | 17.3 |
17.1 | XLS, XLSPLAIN | Paul Newton | 2017-09-12 | A parameter LEAVE_FULL_FIELD_CONTENT don't works. | 17.2.1 |
15.4 | XFRX#LISTENER | Peter de Valença | 2017-08-25 | Shape has bad left position if set dynamic property for Width and set runtime extension's script for RENDER method. | 17.2.1 |
<=17.2 | XPS | 2017-08-26 | Strikeout and uderline has black color always. | 17.2.1 | |
16.0 | DOC/NATIVE_DOCX/ODT/ODS/XLS/XLSPLAIN/FODS/PFODS/NATIVE_FXLSX/NATIVE_PFXLSX | Beister Software GmbH | 2017-08-25 | Output contains double empty lines between paragraphs in long text. | 17.2.1 |
17.0 | XFRX#INIT+ XLS/XLSPLAIN/ NATIVE_FXLSX/NATIVE_PFXLSX/ FODS/PFODS + SHEET_PER_NP_GROUP | Com-Sys Software | 2017-08-21 | Sheet contains repeated group header. Workaround: Uncheck "Reprint group header on each page" | 17.2.1 |
15.1 | XFRX#INIT+ NATIVE_FXLSX/NATIVE_PFXLSX + SHEET_PER_NP_GROUP | Com-Sys Software | 2017-08-21 | Output file is not read able. | 17.2.1 |
12.0 | XFRX#INIT+FODS/PFODS+ SHEET_PER_NP_GROUP | 2017-08-21 | Output file is not read able. | 17.2.1 | |
8.3 | XFRX#INIT+VFP5 | 2017-08-14 | XFRX#INIT doesn't support private dataenvironment. | 17.2.1 | |
10.1.3 | XFRX#INIT | 2017-08-14 | XFRX don't work correctly if report contains dataenvironment. | 17.2.1 |