AddPicture Method
AddPicture Method
Draws a picture on the current page into a given bounding rectangle.
Object.DrawPicture(tcPic, tnLeft, tnTop, tnWidth, tnHeight, tnAdjType, tnRotate )
XFRX 15.7
Object.DrawPicture(tcPic, tnLeft, tnTop, tnWidth, tnHeight, tnAdjType, tnRotate [, tnRotationPoint [, lcLinkName [, lcLinkHref ]]] )
XFRX 16.1
Object.DrawPicture(tcPic, tnLeft, tnTop, tnWidth, tnHeight, tnAdjType, tnRotate [, tnRotationPoint [, lcLinkName [, lcLinkHref [, lcmyk_obsolete [, lneg [, tcMask ]]]]]] )
XFRX 19.0
Object.DrawPicture(tcPic, tnLeft, tnTop, tnWidth, tnHeight, tnAdjType, tnRotate [, tnRotationPoint [, lcLinkName [, lcLinkHref [, lcmyk_obsolete [, lneg [, tcMask [, lcSMaskImage [, lcMaskImage [, liPagePicture ]]]]]]]]] )
XFRX 21.0
Object.DrawPicture(tcPic, tnLeft, tnTop, tnWidth, tnHeight, tnAdjType, tnRotate [, tnRotationPoint [, lcLinkName [, lcLinkHref [, lcmyk_obsolete [, lneg [, tcMask [, lcSMaskImage [, lcMaskImage [, liPagePicture [, tcTooltip, ]]]]]]]]]] )
XFRX 21.1
Object.DrawPicture(tcPic, tnLeft, tnTop, tnWidth, tnHeight, tnAdjType, tnRotate [, tnRotationPoint [, lcLinkName [, lcLinkHref [, lcmyk_obsolete [, lneg [, tcMask [, lcSMaskImage [, lcMaskImage [, liPagePicture [, tcTooltip, [tnRotationXOffset [, tnRotationYOffset]]]]]]]]]]]] )
The picture file name
tnLeft, tnTop
The X,Y coordinates of the upper left hand corner of the bounding rectangle.
The width of the rectangle
The height of the rectangle