AddLine Method
AddLine Method
Draws a line on the current page.
Object.AddLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, lnWidth [, lnPattern [, tnRotation [, tnRotationPoint [, tcLinkName [, tcLinkRef [, tcTooltip [, tnRotationXOffset [, tnRotationYOffset]]]]]]]] )
XFRX 21.0
Object.AddLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, lnWidth [, lnPattern [, tnRotation [, tnRotationPoint [, tcLinkName [, tcLinkRef [, tcTooltip]]]]]] )
XFRX 21.1
Object.AddLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, lnWidth [, lnPattern [, tnRotation [, tnRotationPoint [, tcLinkName [, tcLinkRef [, tcTooltip [, tnRotationXOffset [, tnRotationYOffset]]]]]]]] )
X0, Y0
The X,Y coordinates of the start point of the line.
X1, Y1
The X,Y coordinates of the end point of the line.
The line width in points. 0 represents hairline. Optional, default value = 1.
The border line pattern:
Value | Description |
0 | no border |
1 | dotted |
2 | dashed |
3 | dash-dot |
4 | dash-dot-dot |
8 | solid line (default value) |
The line rotation angle in degrees. The linel will be rotated counterclockwise. Optional, default value = 0.
The point within the rectangl