XFRX version 14.3
XFRX version 14.3
Release date: 3 June 2012
New features and bug fixes
- PDF output
- Font glyphs extraction algorithm has been improved, the size of PDF files with embedded font subset is now significantly smaller
- Date/time metadata now includes the current time zone
- Word-wrapping algorithm issue fixed in VFP 5
- PDF/A is now supported
PDF/A is an ISO standard for the digital preservation of electronic documents. PDF/A document is a PDF document with specific restrictions that ensure that the document will always display and print exactly the same way, no matter which platform or document viewer is used:
- Platform independent
- No hidden or transparent content
- All information needed to display the document is embedded (including fonts)
- Document metadata stored as XML
- No encryption, no password protection
- No JavaScript or other executable parts
- No LZW compression
- Displayed and printed content must match (all annotations must be printed)
There are currently two PDF/A specifications:- PDF/A-1 from 2005
- PDF/A-2 from 2011
XFRX currently supports specification PDF/A-1 Level “B” (PDF/A-1b).
Note: Please note the PDF/A-enabled document files can be significantly larger than regular PDF documents because the used fonts must always be included.
To generate a PDF/A document, call SetPDFA(.T.) method on the session object before processing. This method is available in VFP8 and VFP9 session objects, as well as the XFRX#DRAW object.
Example (VFP 9.0):
LOCAL loObj loObj = EVALUATE([XFRX("XFRX#LISTENER")]) lnRetVal = loObj.SetParams("pdfa9.pdf",,,,,,"PDF") IF lnRetVal = 0 loObj.setpdfa(.T.) REPORT FORM demoreps\invoices object loObj ENDIF