XFRX version 14.6

XFRX version 14.6

Release date: 4 Nov 2013

New features

  • XFRX Diagnosis

    Running XFRX with the following parameters:
    Will create a new file specified by the 2nd parameter (DIAGNOSIS.TXT), which is useful when dealing with setup problems. It lists the version number, registration string, vcx, dll and fll file version and locations and other information. Please review this file when dealing with setup problems and also please send it to us attached to support questions.

  • New output types - "DOCX" and "FDOCX"

    The new output types run the standard (DOCX) or flow layout (FDOCX) conversion and generate word documents with the DOCX extension (the OpenXML format). This output type requires Word 2007 or newer to be installed on the computer. (until the next XFRX release ... at least ;)

Bugs fixed

  • Word standard and flow layout output
    • Intermittent freezing of Word 2007 when previewing a document generated by XFRX
    • Textbox height calculation fix - this was a Word 2010-only specific fix
    • Exporting to DOC format using Word 2010 or 2013 will save the document as a DOCX document. Unfortunately this was the only way to solve the intermittent Word 2010 freezing, caused by changes in the HTML output support in these versions.
  • PDF output
    • Additional enhancements to 32bit images rendering
    • Enhanced support for Bold, Italic and Bold/Italic font styles when used with non-Latin1 character sets
  • HTML output
    • Output to HTML in VFP 9.0 going via XFF file or XFRX previewer displayed the page footer over the bottom of the detail output. This problem has been fixed.
  • XFRX Print and Previewer Modules
    • Fixing duplicate constant compile error
    • Fixed intermittent freezing of the printer properties dialog box
  • Open office output
    • proper attributes encoding and code page setting
    • better environment cleanup method
    • layout enhancements - textbox background and transparency settings, rotation