XFRX version 15.7

XFRX version 15.7

Release date: 14 Oct 2015

Enhancements and fixes

  • PDF
    • FIX: #UR COLOR and #UR MASK are ignored when using XFRX#LISTENER or transform report from XFF.
    • FIX: If a text field has a transparent background and the text is converted to an image, the background is white in the PDF output
    • FIX: Mouse pointer for hyperlink is highlight in a wrong place for rotated text fields.
    • FIX: Acrobat Reader shows no text or wouldn't print if certain characters are used
    • FIX: Text based on the "Courier New" font, or another monospaced font, does not contains spaces between words or the spaces have wrong width.
    • FIX: Text displayed with symbol fonts may not visible in pdf/xps
    • FIX: When using XFRX#LISTENER or XFRX#INIT the output file is always in UNICODE. The pdf file is bigger then output file from XFRX 15.5, because all fonts are included. It's equal to: loSession.SetOtherParams("UNICODE",.T.) 
  • XFF, XML
    • FIX: XFRX loses information about #UR INCLUDEFONT or #UR INCLUDEFONT SUBSET during the XFF/XML transformation
  • PDFL
    • FIX: createDocument() method calls cause "Function argument value, type, or count is invalid." error
  • Word
    • FIX: Reversed red and green colors in text-to-image conversion
    • FIX: NATIVE_FDOC: Lines, shapes and images are positioned in front of the text.
  • Excel and ODS
    • FIX: Mismatch rows in output file for report with groups
    • FIX: Output sheets do not contain pagebreaks. (To enable set parameter SHEETPAGEBREAK to .T. )
    • FIX: NATIVE_FXLSX: The output file is always set to papersizeindex=9.
    • FIX: The output file does not contain the page setup definition for print area and fit to width options.
  • HTML
    • FIX: IE shows character "á" instead " " for the FoxPrint font.
    • FIX: Lost font information when StrikeThru style is applied
  • XFRX Core
    • ENH: hyperlink for images. #UR A NAME, #UR A HREF directives in images definitions are now supported in the following output types: PDF, HTML/MHT, DOC, FDOC, RTF, FRTF, XLS/XLSPLAIN, XPS
    • ENH: pagebreaks support in FDOS/PFODS, XLS/XLSPLAIN and NATIVE_FXLSX/NATIVE_PFXLSX. See more at https://eqeuscom.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DOC/Excel+specific+features#Excelspecificfeatures-Addpagebreakinsheet
    • ENH: automatic print area preset for FDOS/PFODS, XLS/XLSPLAIN and NATIVE_FXLSX/NATIVE_PFXLSX output types
    • FIX: #UR A HREF doesn't support external hyperlinks in RTF,FRTF,XPS,XLS,XLSPLAIN