XFRX version 15.0
Release date: 18 Mar 2014
New features
New output type: Plain HTML output
This output type works in a similar fashion to the plain excel output type: The objects on the page are aligned into a grid, each object going into a separate cell, and then the output is layed out as a table. Lines and rectangles are displayed as table cell borders. Fonts, colors and sizes are defined via CSS.
This solution produces a clean, fast rendering, cross-browser compatible HTML output, suitable for web pages or emails. (Click here for a sample document: Sample1)
The output is invoked by "HTMLPLAIN" output type parameter:loSession = xfrx("XFRX#INIT") lnRetVal = loSession.SetParams("output.html",,,,,,"HTMLPLAIN") If lnRetVal = 0 loSession.ProcessReport("report1") loSession.finalize() Endif
By default, the output is a complete self-contained HTML file. You can also use the HTML_NOSTYLES option to process just the inner HTML, without CSS styles, head or body tags:
loSession = xfrx("XFRX#INIT") lnRetVal = loSession.SetParams("output.html",,,,,,"HTMLPLAIN") If lnRetVal = 0 loSession.SetOtherParams("HTML_NOSTYLES", .T.) loSession.ProcessReport("report1") loSession.finalize() Endif
- This feature requires .NET framework 3.5. The HTML is produced by a .NET console application which reads XML files generated by XFRX and coverts them. This console application (xfrxt.exe) needs to be distributed along with the application.
- This output type currenty does not support images
Bugs fixed
- Better (more precise) output for multiline labels/textboxes
- Output directory write permission check
- DOCX - codepage problems, backcolor problems
- DOCX - text rotation
- DOCX - speed enhancement
- DOCX, OpenOffice - intermittent page number fix
- DOC - crossover tags
- Enhanced codepage conversion
- Enhanced support if asian codepages in OpenOffice and DOCX
- PDF - fixed problems with displaying Arial Narrow and Arial Black fonts
- Listener mode - db area number preservation fix
- XFRX Previewer - "mdot" bug fixed
- HTML output - font family name bug
- OpenOffice - image rotation
- OpenOffice - hyperlink bug