

Properties are a list of additional data (structured as a dictionary of names and values), which can be added to individual reports. All properties are optional and each report can have its own unique set of properties. A property is usually used to add descriptive data to a report for labeling, searching or ordering purposes. For example, an invoice can have the following properties: customer name, total amount, creation date. These properties are displayed in the "Properties" tab in the report detail and they can also optionally show on the report list.

Properties dictionary

Before properties can be added to a report, they need to be registered in the properties dictionary. For each property, the following information is stored:

Internal nameRequired Internal name is used when the property is added to the report

Required On screen label

Data typeRequired The following data types are supported: string, numeric, date, datetime, bool
Show in gridAn indication, if the property should be shown on the report list. Default value is false
Show in detail An indication, if the property should be shown in the report detail. Default value is true
Order Order for displaying property

The properties dictionary can be modified via API or in the organization administration screen in the web app.

Default properties

Default properties, also referred as system properties, are automatically added properties. Their names are decorated with a 'sys_' prefix. Default properties cannot be created, changed or deleted, since they are essential to the system's functionality. Simply put - it's not allowed to create or alter properties with the 'sys_' prefix.

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