ClassMainStatusBar Property

ClassMainStatusBar Property

The class name of the status bar or embdded toolbar. 

Object.ClassMainStatusBar = string

Return Value

 Values are:

cntembeddedtoolbarClass for icons 16x16 px (default value). 
cntembeddedtoolbar32Class for icons 32x32 px.
cntembeddedtoolbar48Class for icons 48x48 px.
cntembeddedtoolbar96Class for icons 96x96 px.


You can create a child of the default cntembeddedtoolbarr class (defined in xfrxlib.vcx) and use this property to instruct the previewer to use your class rather than the default one. 

XFRX version: 17.3
Applies To: XfContcntXFRXMultiPagefrmMPPreviewer