SkipBands Method
SkipBands Method
You can prevent individual report bands from printing by calling skipBands() methods of the XFRX#INIT object.
A parameter is a string containing a comma delimited list of bands that will be skipped. The bands are represented by codes as stated in the following table:
Band | Code | Note |
Title | T | |
Page header | H | |
Column header | CH | |
Group headers | GH | XFRX 21.1 |
Group n header | GHn | nth group header |
Detail headers | DH | |
Detail n header | DHn | nth detail header XFRX 21.1 |
Detail | D | |
Detail n | Dn | nth detail header XFRX 21.1 |
Detail n footer | DFn | nth detail footer XFRX 21.1 |
Detail footers | DF | |
Group n footer | GFn | nth group footer |
Group footers | GF | XFRX 21.1 |
Column footer | CF | |
Page footer | F | |
Summary | S |
Applies To: XFRX#INIT
m.loXFRX=EVALUATE([xfrx("XFRX#INIT")]) m.loXFRX.skipBands("H,GH1,GF3,S")
, multiple selections available,