XFRX Documentation
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Word specific features
RTF specific features
Flow layout document option
Generating XPS documents
Generating OpenOffice documents (ODF)
HTML specific features
Excel specific features
Converting reports to plain text
Using XFF files
Drawing custom objects with XFRX#DRAW
XFRX Previewer
Implementing custom event hyperlinks (drilldown) in the XFRX previewer
Converting reports to pictures
Chaining listeners in VFP 9.0
Data export to XLSX and ODS
Running XFRX in a web-based environment
Text format
Methods A
Methods C
Methods D
Methods E-F
Methods G
Methods CH-R
Methods S
SaveAttachment Method
SaveAttachments Method
SaveImage Method
SaveImages Method
SavePicture Method
SetAlignment Method
SetAlwaysWholePage Method
setAuthor Method
SetBackColor Method
SetAppendToFile Method
SetArchive Method
SetCodePage Method
setCategory Method
SetColor Method
setComments Method
setCompany Method
setCreationDate Method
setCreator Method
SetDefaultPictureFormat Method
setDefaultXLSFormat Method
SetDoNotOpenViewer Method
SetFlowLayoutMode Method
SetHidePictureOutsideBand Method
setEmbeddingType Method
SetExcelOLEAppClass Method
SetFDCache Method
SetField Method
SetFitAndChange Method
SetFitToPaper Method
SetFont Method
SetForeColor Method
SetGlobalCache Method
SetChangePaper Method
SetImagesCache Method
SetIncludeCustomHyperlinks Method
SetJPEGQuality Method
setKeywords Method
setLogFile Method
setManager Method
SetNewViewerSession Method
SetNormalSize Method
SetOldMultiLineBehavior Method
SetOrientation Method
SetOtherParams Method
SetOutline Method
setPageRange Method
setPaperSize Method
Setparams Method
setPasswords Method
setPattern Method
setPatternN Method
setPDFA Method
setPermissions Method
SetPicture Method
SetPictureDPI Method
SetPos Method
setProducer Method
SetRealSize Method
SetReportCache Method
setSubject Method
SetSilent Method
SetTarget Method
SetTextToImage Method
SetTMPFolder Method
SetText Method