XFRX version 7.1

XFRX version 7.1

Release date: 9/22/2003

Bugs fixes

  • Start group in new column checkbox is now suppported
  • Column footer were incorrectly placed in DOC and HTML
  • Page orientation setting is now supported in XLS
  • Numeric fields are now converted to numeric cells in XLS output
  • Bitmap and JPG pictures in general fields are now supported in XLS and object container
  • Page headers and footers are suppored in summary page (new feature in VFP 8)
  • Major speedup of container object
  • Problem with security warning in Excel XP version has been fixed
  • fixed the problem with missing pictures in DOC output when temporary directory was used

New features

New features in the container object

  • added ability to search the report
  • mouse-wheel is now supported
  • mouse middle button is now supported
  • right-click menu was added
  • new toolbar
  • major scroll speed increase
  • and much more is going to come soon :)

Bookmarks in HTML output

 XFRX can now optionally generate bookmarks (outlines) into the result document. Please see Creating bookmarks (document outline) section in XFRX manual to see how to define a bookmark.
To enable bookmarks in the HTML output, call
before calling loSession.ProcessReport()
With bookmarks enabled, XFRX will generate three HTML pages: the main page defining the page frames, the bookmark page and the page with the report output.

XLS cells adjustment

 When XLS document is generated, vertical and horizontal coordinates of objects are adjusted - if the difference between two coordinates is smaller than a certain value, the coordinates are 'aligned'. This approach significantly reduces the number of rows and columns in the generated document.
Now it is possible to define this minimal different. The greater the number is, the lesser number of rows/columns is generated, but if the number is too big, fields might get overlapped and could be left out.
Call SetOtherParams method with "HORIZONAL_ADJUSTMENT" or "VERTICAL_ADJUSTMENT" to define the minimal horizontal and/or vertical difference.
loSession.SetOtherParams("HORIZONTAL_ADJUSTMENT",1000) && default value = 76 
loSession.SetOtherParams("VERTICAL_ADJUSTMENT",1000) && default value = 180 

Pictures rotation in PDF

 Pictures now can be rotated the same way as text fields. Please see Object rotation in PDF chapter in the manual to see how to define the rotation.

Canceling report generation in progress

 The generation process in progress can be canceled by setting the global variable gnStopXFRX to 1. For example, you can, for example, use it this way: