Error message "File _eqz_zlibVersion.prg does not exists." when running XFRX.
Error message "File _eqz_zlibVersion.prg does not exists." when running XFRX.
XFRX 21.1
VFP show error message "File _eqz_zlibVersion.prg does not exists." at running XFRX.
the XFRX object (XFRX#INIT, XFRX#LISTENER, etc.) is created in a class/object with Error() event.
For xfrx with source code and VFP 9/Advanced only.
Modify procedure XFRX_INIT:
*** DH 2021-12-02: use TRY for error handling in VFP 9 #IFDEF VFP9 try #ENDIF *** DH 2021-12-02: end of new code DECLARE INTEGER _create_locale IN (m.laMSVCRDLLs(m.lii)) AS XFRX_create_locale INTEGER, STRING @ m.liHLOCALE=XFRX_create_locale(0, "") ON ERROR &lcError. *** DH 2021-12-02: use TRY for error handling in VFP 9 #IFDEF VFP9 catch llError = .T. endtry #ENDIF *** DH 2021-12-02: end of new code