General settings


XFRX version

XFRX 18.2.1 fix bug with long bands: Long summary band don't cause page break at using XFRX preview.

But you can disable this fix bug.

loSession.SetOtherParams("DONTTESTBANDHEIGHT", .T.)

XFRX#LISTENER ignore this setting.



Default trim mode for report behavior 80 (XFRX#INIT) is "Trim to nearest character" (1).
Default trim mode for report behavior 90 (XFRX#LISTENER) is "Trim to nearest character, append ellipsis" (3).

Because trim mode 4 cause shorted text - uselessly then XFRX 19.0 change default trim mode to 1. But if you need, you can set default trim to some value: 1,2,3,4,5 

  1. Trim to nearest character
  2. Trim to nearest word
  3. Trim to nearest character, append ellipsis
  4. Trim to nearest word, append ellipsis
  5. Filespec: Show inner path as ellipsis

loSession.SetOtherParams("DEFAULTTRIMMODE", 3)