XFRX version 12.1


Release date: 5 September 2006


Important installation notes

  • The XFRX previewer component requires FOXTOOLS.FLL library if used in VFP 6.0.
  • XFRXLIB.FLL now also requires MSVCP71.DLL library to be installed (the previous version required GDIPLUS.DLL and MSVCR71.DLL libraries), all three libraries are required now

New features / Updates

  • XFRX Advanced Previewer

    • The previewer is now able to preview multiple pages at once
      A new selection control on the toolbar can now switch the previewer to display up to 8 pages at the same time
    • Displaying progress bar  
      A progress bar object reference can be sent to the previewer to show progress when exporting to PDF and other output formats 

      loXFF = XFRX("XFRX#DRAW")
      loProgress = createobject("progress") && this is a progress object that will be passed to the previewer 
      loPreview = CREATEOBJECT("frmMPPreviewer") 
      loPreview.oProgress = loProgress && set the reference 
      loPreview.previewXFF(loXFF, "XFRX sample",1,"XFRX Sample Job name") && you can now also specify the printer job name  
         PROCEDURE updateProgress 
            LPARAM tnReport,tnPage,tnPercentage 
            WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT "Exporting page: "+allt(str(tnPage))+" (Press Ctrl+Q to Cancel)" 
    •  Exporting from the previewer can be cancelled by user action
      The TransformReport method now reacts to the gnStopXFRX public variable change so that the export in progress can be cancelled

      PUBLIC gnStopXFRX
      ON KEY LABEL CTRL+Q gnStopXFRX = 1 && the subsequent report exporting can be cancelled by 
                                         && pressing CTRL+Q
    • Print job name can be specified for each previewing document
      A new (4th, optional) parameter of the PreviewXFF method specifies the printer job name. If the 4th parameter is empty, the 2nd parameter (report caption) is used as the printer job name. If both 2nd and 4th parameters are empty, the default printer job name "XFRX" is used.

Bugs fixed

  • Bookmarks were not exporting to PDF
  • OpenOffice output didn't work correctly with SET EXACT flag set to ON
  • Memory leak problem in XFRXLIB.FLL was fixed
  • RightClick and MouseWheel events are now properly handled in the XFRX previewer
  • Flow layout options - bands wrapping on a new page were incorrectly rendered as page headers