XFRX 17.0.0 To-do list - History

XFRX 17.0.0 To-do list - History


2016-11-17 PDF - add support for topdown bitmap.

2016-11-17 PDF - add support for bitmap 2bpp, 4bpp RLE,8bpp RLE, 16bpp, BMP OS/2, etc.

Watermak trick support for  XFRX#INIT. 
Kevin Clark2016-09-26HTML output compatible with Gmail for HTML attachment.

XFRX#PREVIEW; Add support for custom background color  of searched text.
David Younger2016-09-14XFRX#PREVIEW; I want call print without calling "Printer options" dialog.
Susoft 2016-12-28 XFRX#PREVIEW; Add "Current page" to printer options dialog.

2016-08-16Add file name for  dll/fll imported to diagnostic mode. 

2016-08-12Add printers info to diagnostic mode. 

XFRX#INIT; supports for Column print order - Left to right.  

XFRX#INIT; supports for  multidetail bands/new Detail' band properties - VFP 9.0