XFRX Documentation
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Frequently asked questions - FAQ
Known Bugs List
To-do list
Developer's guide
XFRX License
XFRX Architecture
Output Types
Running XFRX
Supported image formats
Extended features
Experimental features
Interactive features
Document Properties
PDF specific features
Word specific features
RTF specific features
Flow layout document option
Generating XPS documents
Generating OpenOffice documents (ODF)
HTML specific features
Excel specific features
Converting reports to plain text
Using XFF files
Drawing custom objects with XFRX#DRAW
XFRX Previewer
Implementing custom event hyperlinks (drilldown) in the XFRX previewer
Converting reports to pictures
Chaining listeners in VFP 9.0
Data export to XLSX and ODS
Running XFRX in a web-based environment
Text format
DLL/FLL compatibility list
Uses API from external DLL
Tao of XFRX
KB 2017
KB 2018
FIX: A white band overlaps the embeded toolbar.
FIX: XFRX_CopyToXLSX create file which has creator is Martina.
FIX: If a "float" position type text field is stretch it is not moved to the next band
FIX: XFRX cut text if Trim mode not is "Default trimming" and DPI scale is greather than 100%.
FIX: XFRX Previewer couldn't wrap a long line into two lines.
FIX: XFRX calculated wrong picture width for embedded picture.
FIX: XFRX didn't show the result of a user script if it was converted to image.
FIX: XFRX#INIT generated double rectangle/line on all page pages, except the last page.
FIX: Output file didn't contain images. In the log file was a message "Error 2028.00 _xfsaveimage 0.00 API call caused an exception".
FIX: WITH-RETURN-ENDWITH bug, could cause cx00000005.
FIX: Text had a transparent background if the background was opaque.
FIX: The output PDF file with PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a or PDF/A-3a is not compliant
FIX: Text has transparent background if background is opaque.
FIX: Incorrect image splitting at printing.
FIX: Bloated text for justify format.
FIX: XFRX Previewer generated dangling reference.
FIX: Some cells had no background color.
FIX: The output PDF file with PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-1b was not compliant.
FIX: PDF showed only one BMP file from more if the size of each file was greater than 16 MiB.
FIX: XFRX#INIT didn't generate images from the general field.
BUG: _xfSaveImage() cause Cx00000005 for BMP files if PictureDPI<>0.
Errors reported in MS Excel in file generated by XFRX_CopyToXLSX.
Double CRLF in long output text.
The table open dialog showed up.
XFRX generated empty XLS files.
The table open dialog showed up(2).
Split text lost last line in each part.
XFRX Previewer didn't highlight the searched text .
Some text was converted to an image if at least one textbox was set #UR TEXTTOIMAGE=<expr>
XFRX was very slow if the report contained the variable _PAGETOTAL and there were textboxes marked with <TF>, <BB>, <RTF>.
FIX: When the primary display was on the right then MouseWheel() event didn't fire.
The text placed over the shape could be placed under the shape of the FDOC output.
Multiline text had wrong left position if it was aligned to the right.
Cell layout had white color.
Only the first column of report/label was printed.
XFRX Previewer didn't show search results.
XFRX Previewer didn't highlight the searched text.
If XLS format was set to "#.##0,00 €" when using XFRX_CopyToXLSX, then the output file was unreadable.
XFRX allways created file with tiff extension.
KB 2019
KB 2020
KB 2021
KB 2022
KB 2023
KB 2024
KB 2025
XFRX & VFP Advance 64 bit roadmap
Known Bugs List - History
To-do list - History
Release notes
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XFRX Documentation
FIX: XFRX cut text if Trim mode not is "Default trimming" and DPI scale is greather than 100%.
FIX: XFRX cut text if Trim mode not is "Default trimming" and DPI scale is greather than 100%.
Owned by
Last updated:
Mar 01, 2018
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before XFRX 18.0
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{"serverDuration": 12, "requestCorrelationId": "cbd27bbf1c074741942a0b11bd57c78f"}