XFRX Documentation
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Frequently asked questions - FAQ
Known Bugs List
To-do list
Developer's guide
XFRX License
XFRX Architecture
Output Types
Running XFRX
Supported image formats
Extended features
Experimental features
Interactive features
Document Properties
PDF specific features
Word specific features
RTF specific features
Flow layout document option
Generating XPS documents
Generating OpenOffice documents (ODF)
HTML specific features
Excel specific features
Converting reports to plain text
Using XFF files
Drawing custom objects with XFRX#DRAW
XFRX Previewer
Implementing custom event hyperlinks (drilldown) in the XFRX previewer
Converting reports to pictures
Chaining listeners in VFP 9.0
Data export to XLSX and ODS
Running XFRX in a web-based environment
Text format
DLL/FLL compatibility list
Uses API from external DLL
Tao of XFRX
KB 2017
KB 2018
KB 2019
KB 2020
KB 2021
KB 2022
XFRX quit with error C0000005
Overlapping texts.
Multiline text incorrect top position.
Labels cut off.
Italic style problems.
Output contains randomly CRLF.
Text line incorrect left position.
XFRX can't find picture compiled into app.
Export from XFRX Preview don't contains all objects in first page.
String splitting to two lines.
It is not possible to click on search result list.
The shortcut menu does not hide.
At proccess "&" character in Text format can cause weird result.
XFRX doesn't close the output PDF file if certificate password is not valid.
XFRX set EXACT to OFF at report processing.
Weird background color for GIF image.
Method ProcessReport() ignores the tlPlain parameter.
Output from TransformMethod() incomplete.
Error message "Expression evaluated to an illegal value".
Lost <FJ> at splitting long text to more pages.
XFRX is very slow.
Export to PDF can cause error Cx00000005.
This or Thisform in OnEntry/OnExit expression in band cause error.
Text aligned to center or right has bad from left position.
Output contains .F. instead values for all textfields.
Output does not contains all parts of long RTF text.
XFRX Preview will generate the first page preview multiple times.
XFRX ignore remove if blank.
XFRX Previewer reduce font size for long text.
Thumbnail page don't show first n-pages.
XFRX shows twice get printer dialog.
Excel output contains bad number values.
Adobe Acrobat Reader shows "An error exists on this page".
Cell has larger size than needed.
Left and Top values of objects are not absolute position by page in runtime extension.
Many uknown procedures/programs when compiling project.
KB 2023
KB 2024
KB 2025
XFRX & VFP Advance 64 bit roadmap
Known Bugs List - History
To-do list - History
Release notes
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