SavePicture Method
SavePicture method saves the report page(s) as a picture.
Object.SavePicture(tcFilename, tcType, tnFrom [, tnTo [, tnBpp [, tnJPEGQuality [, tnThumbnailWidth [, tnThumbnailHeight [, tnPagesPerSheet [, tnAllEvenOdd [, m.tnCopies]]]]]]]])
Object.SavePicture(tcFilename, tcType, tnFrom [, tnTo [, tnBpp [, tnJPEGQuality [, tnThumbnailWidth [, tnThumbnailHeight [, tnPagesPerSheet [, tnAllEvenOdd [, m.tnCopies [, laFindString]]]]]]]]])
Object.SavePicture(tcFilename, tcType, tnFrom [, tnTo [, tnBpp [, tnJPEGQuality [, tnThumbnailWidth [, tnThumbnailHeight [, tnPagesPerSheet [, tnAllEvenOdd [, m.tnCopies [, laFindString [, liBackgroundMode] ]]]]]]]]])
The name of the file to be generated.
The format of the picture to be saved. Currently supported options are: BMP, GIF, JPEG (JPG), PNG, TIFF (TIF), EMF.
The page number to be saved. If TIFF format is being saved, the parameter specifies the first page to be saved.
If TIFF format is being saved, the parameter specifies the last page to be saved. Ignored otherwise.
Bits per pixel. Currently supported values are 1, 2, 16 or 24.
Specifies the JPEG compression quality. The range is from 1 - the lowest quality to 100 - the best quality. The default value is 0 - default quality. Ignored for other output types.
The width of the output picture in pixels.
The height of the output picture in pixels.
The number of pages per sheet .
Include all pages, odd or even only. The allowed values are:
1 ... all pages (default value)
2 ... odd pages
3 ... even pages
Number of copies. This parameter is ignore.
laFindString (XFRX 15.4)
A array contains strings for highlight (background color yelow).
liBackGroundMode (XFRX 15.5)
Background mode of output picture for TIFF, EMF and PNG format
0 ... Opaque (default color is white)
1 ... Transparent (use 32bppARGB always)
If both tnThumbnailWidth and tnThumbnailHeight are omitted, the original page size is used. If only one of the values is sent, the other one is calculated accordingly.
Return values
0 ... no errors was encountered
-1 ... unknown image format
-2 ... page out of range
Applies To: XFRX#DRAW