The effect parameter object
See to EFFECT Object description.
Effect examples
USE invoices ORDER customer LOCAL m.loSession, m.lnRetval, m.loXFF, m.loPreview, m.loScripts m.loSession=EVALUATE([xfrx("XFRX#LISTENER")]) m.lnRetVal = m.loSession.SetParams("",,,,,,"XFF") && no name = just in memory IF m.lnRetVal = 0 REPORT FORM invoices OBJECT m.loSession m.loXFF = m.loSession.oxfDocument * * initialize the previewer * SET CLASSLIB TO xfrxlib ADDITIVE m.loPreview = CREATEOBJECT("frmMPPreviewer") m.loPreview.windowType = 0 m.loPreview.iBook = 0 WITH loPreview.oExportOptions .oEffect.lShowPreview=.T. .oEffect.SetFitToPaper(11) && fit to paper to A5 ENDWITH m.loPreview.PreviewXFF(loXFF) m.loPreview.show(1) ENDIF