HTML page size adjustment

This paragraph applies both to VFP 9 and VFP 8. The ShrinkHeight method is implemented both in XFRXListener and XFRXSession class.

When generating HTML documents, XFRX makes the page a bit shorter by default (by 1.65 inches). This is to suppress the bottom of a page to wrap to a new page when printing from the Internet Explorer. Two lines are added to the printed page - at the top and bottom of the page - as header and footer. By calling ShrinkHeight() method, you can either suppress this behaviour by calling:


or set your own value by which the page will be shrinked. The unit is Inch * 10000, so to make the page shorter by 2 inches, call


The value sent by ShrinkHeight() method is applied to all output types, not just HTML.

See also: User-defined page size