6.1 Password protection

This paragraph applies both to VFP 9 and VFP 8. The setPasswords method is implemented both in XFRXListener and XFRXSession classes.

To add passwords to Word documents, call SetPasswords() method before calling ProcessReport():

loSession.setPasswords(tcReadPassword, tcWritePassword, tlRequirePassword)

You can omit either tcReadPassword or tcWritePassword. tlRequirePassword is optional (default value is .F.). If set to .T., Word will ask for the password even when the document is being opened first time after the generation (if tlNotOpenViewer parameter of SetParams method is set to .F.).

6.2 Word document splitting

This paragraph applies to  VFP 8 only.

When the generated documents are very long, Word application has problem with the conversion - it takes very long to convert it. To avoid this problem, XFRX can split the generated document into more smaller documents. To set this up, call SplitDocument() method before calling ProcessReport():


tnPagesp is the number of pages each of the resulting documents would have.