GetPageWidth() | |
Returns page width. | |
GetPageHeight() | |
Returns page height. | |
GetXPos() | |
Returns the horizontal coordinate of the current position. Syntax: XFRXDraw::GetXPos() | |
GetYPos() | |
Returns the vertical coordinate of the current position. Syntax: XFRXDraw::GetYPos() | |
AppendXFF() | |
Append next XFF file to opened XFF file. Syntax: XFRXDraw::AppendXFF(m.tcName, m.tnAppend) Parameters: tcName tnAppend | |
OpenDocument() | |
Opens an existing XFF file. Syntax: XFRXDraw::OpenDocument(tcFileName) Return values .T. … the file was successfully opened | |
PrintDocument() | |
Prints the XFF file to the specified printer. Syntax: XFRXDraw::PrintDocument(tcPrinterName, tcJobname, tnFrom [, tnTo [, tcDEVMODE [, tnPagesPerSheet, [ tnAllEvenOdd, [ tnCopies, [tnUnderlineHyperlinksOnPrint, [laFindString, [lcOutput]]]]]]]]) Return values -100 … cannot initialize printer device Parameters: tcPrinterName tcJobName tnFrom tnTo tcDEVMODE tnPagesPerSheet tnAllEvenOdd 1 ... all pages (default value) tnCopies tnUnderlineHyperlinksOnPrint
lcOutput (XFRX 15.5) Alternatively, tnFrom can contain a string value, containing the pages numbers separated by commas and ranges separated by dashes, e.g.: “1,2,5-6,8,20-30”
| |
SavePicture() | |
SavePicture method saves the report page(s) as a picture. Syntax: XFRXDraw::SavePicture(tcFilename, tcType, tnFrom [, tnTo [, tnBpp [, tnJPEGQuality [, tnThumbnailWidth [, tnThumbnailHeight [, tnPagesPerSheet, [ tnAllEvenOdd [, m.tnCopies, [ laFindString, [liBackgroundMode] ]]]]]]]]]), Return values Parameters: tcFilename tcType tnFrom tnTo tnBpp tnJPEGQuality tnThumbnailWidth tnThumbnailHeight tnPagesPerSheet tnAllEvenOdd 1 ... all pages (default value) tnCopies laFindString (XFRX 15.4) liBackGroundMode (XFRX 15.5) Background mode of output picture for TIFF,EMF and PNG format 0 ... Opaque (default color is white)
If both tnThumbnailWidth and tnThumbnailHeight are omitted, the original page size is used. If only one of the values is sent, the other one is calculated accordingly. | |
SetColor() | |
Sets the foreground and background drawing colors. Syntax: XFRXDraw::SetColor(tfr, tfg, tfb[, tbr, tbg, tbb]) Parameters: tfr, tfg, tfb tbr, tbg, tbb | |
SetFont() | |
Sets font name and attributes for subsequent DrawText() or DrawTextBox() calls. Syntax: XFRXDraw::SetFont(tcFontName, tnSize[, tlBold[, tlItalic[, tlUnderline[, tlStrikeThrough]]]]) Parameters: tcFontName tnSize tlBold, tlItalics, tlUnderline, tlStrikeThrough | |
SetPos() | |
Sets the position where the text will be drawn by the subsequent DrawText() method call. Syntax: XFRXDraw::SetPos(tnXPos, tnYPos) Parameters: tnXPos, tnYPos | |
SetUnit() | |
Sets the drawing units. Syntax: XFRXDraw::SetUnit(tcUnit) Parameters: tcUnit The default unit is point. |