XFRX version 9.8

 Release date: 09/02/2004

New features

  • XFRX is now able to produce 'real' Word documents: easily editable documents with styles, page headers and footers, paragraphs and tab stops, which are also shorter in size and faster to open. This new Word document generation algorithm is implemented as a new output option: Flow Layout Word Document (FDOC).

    The new output option (FDOC) has many advantages compared to the current one (DOC), but it has also some disadvantages, so both output options are now available. You can find more information about FDOC in the Flow layout Word document option chapter (you can see sample Word document here).

  • XLS output option: @Z formatting picture is now correctly converted to XLS-style picture
  • The following code pages are now supported in the PDF output option: 1250 - Central Europe, 1521 - Cyrilic, 1252 - Latin I, 1257 - Baltic.
  • XFRX is now able to produce black&white (1bpp) pictures (PNG, BMP, TIFF)
  • XFRXSession.gdiplusSupport() returns 1 if the GDI+ version of XFRXLIB.FLL is being used (default), otherwise it returns 0

Bug fixes

  • Problem with "Maximum DO nesting level ..." (which occurect when the relation target was not available) has been fixed
  • Layout problems of reports with many bands has been fixed
  • The problem with invalid calculation reset level has been fixed
  • 1:Many relationship has been in some scenarios incorrectly evaluated as 1:1. This problem has been fixed.
  • The problem with missing pictures from general fields when private session was used has been fixed.
  • "Scale picture, retain shape" is now supported in RTF and XLS output (it has been supported in the other options before)
  • The layout problem with rounded rectangles in RTF has been fixed