XFRX version 9.0

Release date: 01/03/2004

Please note we have added a new library that is required for XFRX to run: XFRXLIB.FLL. Please copy XFRXLIB.FLL to the same directory where HNDLIB.DLL and ZLIB.DLL are.

Bug fixes

    < LI> '<' and'>' are now handled correctly in Word output
  • SEEK function now works correctly in print-when condition
  • the data environment procedures in built-in reports are now processed correctly
  • 'HTML' filename extension is now correctly recognized
  • the session temporary directory is now deleted in session object destroy method

New features

  • XFRX is now able to export and import XML
  • XFRX now natively supports RTF. The RTF documents are generated directly in XFRX, no third party software - e.g. MS Word - is required.
  • major speedup (around 300%) in transforming reports to the XFRX previewer (container bar) and in previewing of XFF files
  • The report generation process speedup (around 30%)
  • Major speed increase in processing unformatted numeric values in VFP5, VFP6 and VFP7.
  • the XFRX previewer can now handle an unlimited number of pages (the only limit is the disc space)