Technical support is provided via email at: Please contact us with any problem you have, we'd be happy to help you.
Frequently asked questions
Before contacting technical support, please read Frequently asked questions which answers the most common problems.
Known bugs list
Known issues are collected in the Known bugs list page
How to get XFRX version and licence number
LOCAL m.loXFRX m.loXFRX = XFRX("XFRX#INIT") ?m.loXFRX.getVersion() m.loXFRX = XFRX("XFRX#LISTENER") ?m.loXFRX.getVersion()
How to get version of hndlib.dll or XFRXlib.fll
SET LIBRARY TO xfrxlib.fll ?_xfgetVersion() DECLARE INTEGER getVersion IN hndlib AS XFRX_getHNDLIBVersion ?XFRX_getHNDLIBVersion()
LOG file
Another thing that can help us to find out what's wrong is a log file: Before calling SetParams(), please add loSession.initLog(). Then, when you run XFRX next time, _XFRX.log file will be generated in the default directory. This file contains all errors that are trapped during XFRX execution. Attaching this file to the email is a big help for us. The alternative method is setLogFile().
Error messages are print to "Output Windows" too (since XFRX 15.8).
LOCAL m.loXFRX m.loXFRX = XFRX("XFRX#LISTENER") m.loXFRX.setLogFile("xfrx.log") m.lnRetVal = m.loXFRX.SetParams("test.pdf",,,,,,"PDF",,,,.T.) IF m.lnRetVal = 0 REPORT FORM test OBJECT m.loXFRX ELSE ?m.loXFRX.ErrorMessage(m.lnRetVal) ENDIF
Diagnostic mode
XFRX also has a diagnostic mode (since XFRX 14.6) that you can use to detect bugs and setup errors. You can invoke the diagnostic mode by sending "XFRX#DIAGNOSIS" as the 1st parameter of XFRX and the log file name as the 2nd parameter. When run, the log file will list the version number, registration string, vcx, dll and fll file versions and locations and other information. Please review this file when dealing with setup problems and also please send it to us attached to support questions.
External Diagnostic utility
Diagnostic mode is better and more extensive with "each" version. For old and older XFRX you can download external utility. Extract diagnosis.FXP from zip archive and copy it to folder with XFRX. Utility create file _xfrxdiag.log.
To echo Options dialog box settings to the Debug Output window
If you have problems with a particular report, please attach it to your email as well (if possible). Also, if your report is not too entangled with your environment and you'd be able to provide us with sample data that we could use to run your report, it would help us a lot in finding out what the problem is. Do not forget to code snippet of calls XFRX (XFRX#INIT not is XFRX#LISTENER).